Email addresses associated with a person and basic cloud services

Activation and extension

The activation of the basic cloud services and the e-mail address coincide and follow two methods described below and indicated in the summary table.

A = Auto, notified via email to the personal address

A* = Auto, notified via email to the personal address. All basic cloud services are activated except Microsoft365App.

RR: Activation of the service following a request from the interested party made to the Responsabile di struttura[?], (Department in the case of professors) or delegate. All basic cloud services are activated except Microsoft365App.
The Head of the structure, or delegate, can request the service or the extension via online form.


The deactivation of the basic cloud services is carried out after 30 days from the closure of the career and is notified by email on the institutional mailbox.
The transition from Laurea to Laurea magistrale does not entail the deactivation.

The deactivation of the email address follows different methods described below and indicated in the summary table depending on the type of career and its conclusion:

D1 students:

  • the address will remain active without any expiry date if one achieves at least one these title: Laurea Ciclo Unico, Laurea Primo Livello, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale, Laurea vecchio ordinamento, Diploma universitario, Scuola di specializzazione, PhD.
  • if the study career ends (drops out, transferred, deceased or resigns) without title, the address remains active for 30 days from the date the study period ends.

D1 Staff Polimi:

  • in the case of retirement the email address will remain active without any expiry date.
  • after 30 days from the end of the career if dismissed, resigned or at the end of a fixed-term contract.

D2: the address will be deactivated on the 30th of April of the year after that of the academic year the contract was granted (for example, academic year 12/13 => expiry on 30/04/14)

D3: after 30 days from the end of the career/collaboration.


  • 1 semester => 30/09/yy+1 y
  • 2 semester => 28/02/yy+2 y
  • Annual      => 28/02/yy+2 y
userAddress typeActivationDeactivation
Technical and Administrative Staff (open-ended contract/fixed term contract)@polimi.itAD1
Area manager (open-ended contract/fixed term contract)@polimi.itAD1
Full and Associates Professors (not researchers)@polimi.itAD1
External Professors (contract, substitute external,external for free)@polimi.itA*D2
Researchers(open-ended contract/fixed term contract)@polimi.itAD1
Research grants holder@polimi.itAD1
Visiting professor@polimi.itRRD1
Collaborative professors@polimi.itAD1
Collaboration contract holder@polimi.itRRD1
Staff in “somministrazione di lavoro a tempo determinato”@polimi.itAD1
Students enrolles at Laurea Ciclo Unico, Primo livello, Specialistica, Magistrale, Vecchio ordinamento, Diploma universitario@mail.polimi.itAD1
Incoming students and PhD from international exchange projects@mail.polimi.itAD3
Incoming students from exchange projects with Italian universities@mail.polimi.itAD3
Students on PhD Programmes@polimi.itAD1
Visiting PhD student@mail.polimi.itAD3
Students on University Masters Courses@mail.polimi.itAD1
Students on specialisation courses@mail.polimi.itAD1
Students in Specialisation Schools@mail.polimi.itAD1
Students – Single courses@mail.polimi.itAD3
PhD-Single AD1
Studenti Tirocinio Formativo Attivo@mail.polimi.itAD3
Studenti ASP@asp-poli.itAD1
Collaborative A D1
XJTU-Polimi Joint School Students @mail.polimi.itAD1
Students enrolled conditionally@mail.polimi.itAD1
Piecework / P.IVA Freelance@polimi.itRRD3
Staff of Service provider@polimi.itRRD3
Staff Fondazione Politecnico@fondazione.polimi.itA*D3
Staff with a collaboration contract entitled to O365 cloud services@polimi.itRRD1

Functional email addresses

The Head of structure[?], or is delegate, must:

  1. See Help and setup: Naming
  2. send the request via Form online

Mailing lists

Il Head of structure[?], or delegate, must:

  1. Propose a name compliant with the naming rules, see Help and setup: Naming
  2. send the activation request via the Online form