Digital signature

The digital signature is used by many of the university’s information system applications (for example, examination reports, lecture registers, collection and payment orders) and can also be used to sign digital documents independently generated outside the applications.


All teaching staff (permanent and contract) and technical/administrative staff who need a digital signature or who already have a SmartCard.

Request and activation

To request the service, go to the Online Services portal Digital signature request, activation and information , Administration section.
Then follow the instructions in the user manual displayed.

Expiry and renewal

The certificate holder will be notified via email from Infocert before the expiry date. The certificate can be renewed up to 90 days before the expiry date and by the day before the expiry date. The renewed Digital Signature will be valid for 3 years from the date on which it was renewed.

Digital signing of documents

The digital signature for documents application is available via Online Services, in the Administration section.

Direct access
Digital signing of documents