Mobile working
ICT services usefull for working outside the office.
Collaborate remotely on a document
To collaborate remotely on a document, you can use one of the following services:
- Teams: communication and collaboration platform that contains all the necessary tools to work remotely, to hold or follow lessons / conferences of any kind; it combines chat, video conferencing, content sharing, document creation in shared and integrated mode with multiple applications. For more information: Teams.
- OneDrive for Business: personal space of storage and collaboration in cloud: as a collaborative tool, OneDrive provides an effective document versioning mechanism. For more information: OneDrive for Business.
- SharePoint Online: shared space of storage and collaboration in cloud: as a collaborative tool, OneDrive provides an effective document versioning mechanism. For more information: Sharepoint online
To install or use software on a personal or Politecnico computer, you can use one of the following services:
- Software portal, resources for study, teaching and work: a topic website with the full range of software for personal devices and those not centrally managed by ASICT. For more information, see the Software portal
- Virtual desktop, software for study and teaching: the service used for teaching in lecture halls can also be used remotely on prearranged days and time slots. For more information, see the Virtual Desktop
- Remote desktop, access to legacy applications: you can access legacy applications from any device connected to the internet. For more information, see the Remote Desktop
Whether you are inside or outside the university, there are various options for connecting to the network:
- Wi-fi and wired, how to connect to the network: inside the university you can use either the wi-fi or wired internet connection. Check the coverage and how to access it. For more information: Wi-fi and wired
- Wi-fi and wired, federation access: the Politecnico is a member of the Idem and Eduroam federations, which enables you to use the network in other institutions that belong to the federation. For more information: Wi-fi and wired
- Mobile phones, services and management: mobile phone services also include the supply of web-browsing equipment. For more information: Mobile telephony
Share and/or store documents
There are various tools available for storage and collaboration:
- OneDrive for Business: personal space of storage and collaboration in cloud: this is activated at the same time as your university email address. It enables users to store their documents in the cloud, to share them quickly and to use various other functions. For more information: OneDrive for business
- SharePoint Online: shared space of storage and collaboration in cloud: cloud storage and collaborative space shared by a group of users. For more information: Sharepoint online
- File share: shared storage space online: enables a group of users to share a storage space that can be accessed from any device connected to the internet. For more information: File share
Divert your phone extension
Your Politecnico phone extension can be diverted to another number or contact and can be used when you are working outside the office through one of these services:
- Divert a phone extension: see Basic phone services user guide to find out how to activate this.
- Teams: calls. The Teams Calls option enables users to divert their phone extension to any device. For more information, see Teams
Organise remote meetings
To organise a remote meeting, there are two services available:
- Teams: communication and collaboration platform that contains all the necessary tools to work remotely, to hold or follow lessons / conferences of any kind; it combines chat, video conferencing, content sharing, document creation in shared and integrated mode with multiple applications. For more information: Teams.
- Conference call: the service enables users to organise conference calls from a Politecnico extension. For more information: Conference call
Access to electronic bibliographic resources
Proxy, access to electronic bibliographic resources: the service enables users to access electronic bibliographic subscription resources (e-books, electronic periodicals and databases) outside the university network in authenticated mode.
For more information:
Mobile phones
See the page Mobile phones: services and management to find out how to request and manage a university mobile phone.