Institutional mailing lists
Sending an e-mail to a calculated group of users
To support sending of institutional messages mailing lists associated with the most frequently used user categories have been defined.
As a normal distribution list, the system allows to automatically send an email message sent to the list’s address (example to a set of users.
Institutional mailing lists:
- are always up to date. Their management is integrated both in the e-mail service as well as in the University’s Unified Master Data and allows messages to be sent to recipients that are determined in real-time based on the information in the information system.
- are not listed in the Global Address List of the University e-mail system.
Via the Mailboxes and mailing lists service, in the Mail service section of the Online Services portal, all users can:
- display the list of mailing lists available
- verify their access profiles, Sender and/or Recipient
However, this page contains a summary diagram of the lists and senders.
Use a list
Tramite il servizio Caselle di posta elettronica e liste di distribuzione, presente nella sezione Posta elettronica del portale dei Servizi online, ciascun utente può avviare direttamente il programma di posta elettronica per la composizione ed invio di una e-mail ad una lista di distribuzione per la quale ha profilo di mittente.
Summary scheme
- A: Rectors and Vice Rectors, Vice Rectors of the Territorial Campus, Heads of Departments, Deans and Vice Deans, General Director and Vice Director, Head of PhD School, Area Managers, Staff Managers
- B: Service Heads
- C:Administrative Managers of the Departments and Territorial Campus
- D: Coordinators of Study Programme Board
- E: Board of governors members, Academic senate members
- F: Union Representatives
- G: Office referents
- H: all recipients of the list
- I: PhD Representatives
For the entire university
Heads of Departments | DirettoriDipartimento | A,B,C,D,H |
Deans and Vice Deans | Presidi | A,B,C,D,H |
Vice Rectors of the Territorial Campus | ProrettoriPolo | A,B,C,H |
Coordinators of Study Programme Board (CCS) | CoordinatoriCCS | A,B,C,D,H |
Coordinators of PhD Programs | CoordinatoriPhD | A,B,C,D,H |
Area Managers | Dirigenti | A,B,C,H |
Service heads | Capiservizio | A,B,C,H |
Staff Managers | RespStaff | A,B,C,H |
Administrative Managers | RespGestionali | A,B,C,H |
Board of governors members | MembriCdA | A,B,C,D,H |
Academic senate members | MembriSA | A,B,C,D,H |
Student representatives | RappresentantiStudenti | G,H |
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contract | PersonaleTA | A,B,C,F |
Full Professors | PersonaleDocenteStrutturato | A,B,C,E,F |
External Professors | DocentiEsterni | A,B,C,E |
Holders of research | Assegnisti | A,B,C,E,F |
PhD | Dottorandi | A,B,C,E,F,I |
For all Department
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contract | PersonaleTA-SiglaDip (es PersonaleTA-DEIB) | A,B,C,H |
Teaching staff | PersonaleDocenteStrutturato-SiglaDip | A,B,C,D,H |
Full professors | DocentiOrdinari-SiglaDip | A,B,C,H |
Associate Professors | DocentiAssociati-SiglaDip | A,B,C,H |
Researchers | Ricercatori-SiglaDip | A,B,C,H |
Research grant holder | Assegnisti-SiglaDip | A,B,C,E,H |
PhD | Dottorandi-SiglaDip | A,B,C,E,H |
For all Territorial Campus
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contract | PersonaleTA-SiglaPolo | A,B,C,H |
For all Areas
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contract | PersonaleTA-SiglaArea | A,B,H |
For all Services
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contract | PersonaleTA-SiglaArea-SiglaServizio | A,B,H |