Institutional mailing lists

Sending an e-mail to a calculated group of users

To support sending of institutional messages mailing lists associated with the most frequently used user categories have been defined.

As a normal distribution list, the system allows to automatically send an email message sent to the list’s address (example to a set of users.

Institutional mailing lists:

  • are always up to date. Their management is integrated both in the e-mail service as well as in the University’s Unified Master Data and allows messages to be sent to recipients that are determined in real-time based on the information in the information system.
  • are not listed in the Global Address List of the University e-mail system.


Via the Mailboxes and mailing lists service, in the Mail service section of the Online Services portal, all users can:

  • display the list of mailing lists available
  • verify their access profiles, Sender and/or Recipient

However, this page contains a summary diagram of the lists and senders.

Use a list

Tramite il servizio Caselle di posta elettronica e liste di distribuzione, presente nella sezione Posta elettronica del portale dei Servizi online, ciascun utente può avviare direttamente il programma di posta elettronica per la composizione ed invio di una e-mail ad una lista di distribuzione per la quale ha profilo di mittente.

Summary scheme

  • A: Rectors and Vice Rectors, Vice Rectors of the Territorial Campus, Heads of Departments, Deans and Vice Deans, General Director and Vice Director, Head of PhD School, Area Managers, Staff Managers
  • B: Service Heads
  • C:Administrative Managers of the Departments and Territorial Campus
  • D: Coordinators of Study Programme Board
  • E: Board of governors members, Academic senate members
  • F: Union Representatives
  • G: Office referents
  • H: all recipients of the list
  • I: PhD Representatives

For the entire university

Heads of DepartmentsDirettoriDipartimentoA,B,C,D,H
Deans and Vice DeansPresidiA,B,C,D,H
Vice Rectors of the Territorial CampusProrettoriPoloA,B,C,H
Coordinators of Study Programme Board (CCS)CoordinatoriCCSA,B,C,D,H
Coordinators of PhD ProgramsCoordinatoriPhDA,B,C,D,H
Area ManagersDirigentiA,B,C,H
Service headsCapiservizioA,B,C,H
Staff ManagersRespStaffA,B,C,H
Administrative ManagersRespGestionaliA,B,C,H
Board of governors membersMembriCdAA,B,C,D,H
Academic senate membersMembriSAA,B,C,D,H
Student representativesRappresentantiStudentiG,H
T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contractPersonaleTAA,B,C,F
Full ProfessorsPersonaleDocenteStrutturatoA,B,C,E,F
External ProfessorsDocentiEsterniA,B,C,E
Holders of researchAssegnistiA,B,C,E,F

For all Department

T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contractPersonaleTA-SiglaDip (es PersonaleTA-DEIB)A,B,C,H
Teaching staffPersonaleDocenteStrutturato-SiglaDipA,B,C,D,H
Full professorsDocentiOrdinari-SiglaDipA,B,C,H
Associate ProfessorsDocentiAssociati-SiglaDipA,B,C,H
Research grant holderAssegnisti-SiglaDipA,B,C,E,H

For all Territorial Campus

T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contractPersonaleTA-SiglaPoloA,B,C,H

For all Areas

T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contractPersonaleTA-SiglaAreaA,B,H

For all Services

T/A Staff open-ended contract/fixed term contractPersonaleTA-SiglaArea-SiglaServizioA,B,H