Online Services: overview
Via the Online Services portal you can:
- access all applications and services available to you in function of your University role
- view and manage your personal data
- verify the University areas assigned to you and your computer resources
- view notifications regarding news, information and interruptions.
All persons registered in the registry.
Personal registration to the University registry and consequent possession of credentials (Person Code and relative password) is mandatory for access to the Online Services portal.
Access Online Services
Access the Online Servies
Function overview
- Favourites panelClick on the star next to the service you wish to access most quickly. The service will be added to your Favourites panel and you can place it in the order that most suits you.
- Service searchUse the search box in the services panel to filter your applications and most easily find the service that interests you.
- Expand for descriptionExpand and view the description of all the services at the same time using the arrow to the left of the Services panel.
- My dataThe panel shows a selection of your personal data. To view it all, and update when necessary, click on the Update my personal data link. This function also allows you to manage your documents and the relative .pdf scans.
- AuthenticationThis widget shows you all the information regarding your authentication system and the relative management services.
In particular you can:– change your service access password
– activate and manage your two-factor authentication (only for enabled users, in the experimentation phase)
– enter or modify your password recovery email address
- Spaces assignmentsIf you see this widget it means that your Area Coordinator has assigned you at least one room at the University for your activities. Using the Request an update link you can indicate any changes or request support.
- ASICT assets assignmentThis widget appears only if you have been assigned ASICT devices (computer, monitor, printer, etc…) upon the request of your coordinator. Should there be an error in these devices you can indicate this via the Request an update link.