Distance learning: teachers

Useful information and contacts


CISCO Webex is the web conference platform for educational activities.

The virtual classrooms are not activated for the single course; each teacher and collaborator has their own Webex Personal Room.

There are also Teams classrooms intended for receiving students, oral exams, any group activities and to be used as an alternative platform in case of interruption of the CISCO Webex Meetings service.


Webex Personal Rooms are activated:

  • to teachers automatically, concurrently with career activation
  • to collaborators, after the teachers have entered them as collaborators within their course through the service Teaching assignments and activities> Available functions> Add collaborators. The virtual classrooms will be accessible to collaborators the day after their insertion.


You can access the Personal Room:

  • through the direct link present in their assignment form (teachers only);
  • through the “Virtual classrooms for teaching activities” service available in the Online Services;
  • via browser http://politecnicomilano.webex.com: press Sing in and enter your Polimi email address. If you are asked for the domain url, indicate http://politecnicomilano.webex.com

The Teams emergency classrooms can be reached from the “Teaching assignments and activities” application; always from “Teaching assignments and activities” it is possible to send an email to all students enrolled in the course to notify them.


Webinar and tutorial: are available in WeBeep in the course “Spazio Innovazione Didattica”


In order to make lessons recorded in Webex available to students, they must be published through the “Manage Lesson Recordings” service.

Teachers and collaborators have the possibility to publish only the lessons they have personally taught, which will then flow into a single archive of the lessons of the course.

It is possible to publish the recordings of the lessons taken (or of videos uploaded manually) in Webex through the “Teaching Recordings Management” service.

In order for a recorded lesson to be published, the check mark on “Prevent downloading” must be removed in Webex.

A user guide is available within the service.

All the published recordings and video contents of a course converge in a single course archive.

There are two access options:

  • through the “Recordings Archive” service available in the Online Services
  • from WeBeep, using the Recordings archive link available in the course details

Support:use the “Request assistance” link available in the “Teaching recordings management” service

Guide to publication: the user manual is available in the “Teaching recordings management” application


The details of the remote exam must be defined through the “Teaching assignments and activities” service.

Da “Incarichi e attività didattiche”:

  1. utilizzare il pulsante “Funzioni disponibili” a livello del singolo corso
  2. selezionare “Prove ed elenco iscritti alle prove”
  3. viene visualizzato l’elenco delle prove già pianificate (se presenti)
  4. selezionare la singola prova d’esame
  5. definire i dettagli selezionando l’icona calendario (definizione delle prove d’esame)

I link alle eventuali aule Zoom richieste sono visibili il giorno stesso dell’esame.

I link alle aule virtuali Zoom per gli esami a distanza sono accessibili:

  • dal dettaglio della singola prova inserita tramite il servizio “Incarichi e attività didattiche” (solo docenti);
  • dal servizio “Supervisione aule virtuali per prove d’esame a distanza”.

Support: helpdoc.didatticadistanza@polimi.it – 02 2399 8181 (mon/fri 8:00am/6:00pm)

Webinar and tutorial: are available in WeBeep in the course “Spazio Innovazione Didattica”