First access: authentication and register

Students, prospective students, candidates and visitors (or more generally people who do not have an employment relationship with the university) with Italian citizenship.

  • Login with SPID or CIE

    On the registration page:

    1. enter your personal data (have the tax code available)
    2. you will be assigned a Polimi Person code
    3. set the password for the Person code
    4. print (as pdf) the registration recap
    5. at the end of the registration you will be redirected to the login page: login to access the Online Services.

    Upon registration you will be provided with your Polimi identifier, the Person Code, for which you will be asked to associate a password. These credentials are required to access, configure or manage various University services.

  • Activate the 2FA SPID/CIE/eIDAS

    At a subsequent login you will be asked to activate 2FA via SPID or CIE

    1. Continue, you will be redirected to the activation page
    2. Scroll down the page and select the option “Attiva 2FA con SPID/CIE/eIDAS”
    3. Follow the activation instructions

    2FA adds a layer of security to your personal space and protects you from fraudulent access in the event that your Polimi credentials are stolen.

Design entrance test

If you need to participate in the TOLD, take note of your Polimi Credentials (person code and relative password) as they will be required to access the test.

Verify your credentials